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Matthew Moore

Associate Professor and Coordinator of Photography
Visual Arts and Humanities
School of Liberal Arts


Master of Arts
Georgia State University

Bachelor of Arts
College for Creative Studies

A Little More

Matthew Moore is an explorer of places, both real and imagined. His photographic process blends research and cartography to create bodies of work that investigate the way history and collective memory is influenced through interventions in the landscape. Moore's most recent project, titled Post-Socialist Landscapes, is an eight-year exploration of monument removal in Europe’s former Eastern Bloc states. This body of work was featured in solo exhibitions at Blue Sky Gallery In Portland, Ore., in 2022, and at Esaton's Academy Art Museum in 2019. Moore received Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Awards in 2015 and 2018, and a Creative Artist Grant in 2022. Prior to earning his degrees, Moore followed the Grateful Dead around the country in a 1967 Volkswagen bus called “Puff the Magic Wagon.” He saw the Grateful Dead perform with Jerry Garcia 16 times, including an epic last show at Solider Field in 1995. Moore has taught photography at several institutions and universities, including Henry Ford Community College in Dearborn, Mich., and Georgia State University in Atlanta.