Who can borrow library materials?
- AACC students, faculty and staff
- County residents and those working in Anne Arundel County with identification and proof of address
- Patrons under 16 years of age; an application for a library card must be signed by the patron’s parent or guardian.
- Faculty from other colleges and universities with proof of institutional affiliation
- Students at other Maryland community colleges who can present evidence of enrollment at their home college. Materials must be returned to the library from which they were borrowed.
Checkout and Return of Materials
Borrowers must present their library card at the time of transaction in order to borrow circulating and reserve materials. Library cards may be obtained and/or replaced in person at the Circulation Desk. Patrons are responsible for all items on their library account.
- AACC students may borrow circulating books for 28 days and renew up to four times if those books have not been requested by another patron. Renewing extends the due date by 28 days from the date of renewal.
- AACC faculty and staff may borrow circulating books for 120 days and renew twice if those books have not been requested by another patron. Renewing extends the due date by 120 days from the date of renewal.
- Community members without AACC affiliation may borrow up to 10 circulating books for 28 days and renew twice if those books have not been requested by another patron. Renewing extends the due date by 28 days from the date of renewal.
- Loan periods for other borrowers and materials vary. Contact the Circulation Desk for details at 410-777-2238.
- Books and media items may be returned to the Circulation Desk or to exterior book drop slots located at the building entrances. Fragile items such as laptops and calculators may not be returned via book drops.
- Students attending classes and faculty or staff at GBTC or AMIL may request delivery of library materials to those locations.
- Distance education students who need to place a hold for an item in the library catalog or request delivery of library materials as described above may apply for a library card online. Only AACC students who do not attend classes at Arnold should apply online. All others should visit the library and bring a valid photo ID.
Overdue or Lost Materials
Patrons are expected to return materials on or before the due date assigned at checkout. Patrons wishing to keep items longer should request renewal before their due date. Renewals can be requested by logging into your library account in the library catalog, calling the Circulation Desk at 410-777-2238 or emailing circdesk@xingtaiyichuang.com from your MyAACC address.
Borrowers should notify the Circulation Desk of any address changes to ensure receipt of overdue notices. Items kept past due will result in a hold on student records at 30 days and a bill for replacement at 50 days. A record hold will prevent the student from adding, dropping or withdrawing from classes until the item is returned in good condition or paid for. For some high-value or high-demand items, a hold may be placed on student records as soon as the item is overdue.
All lost or damaged items must be paid for by the borrower. Unresolved accounts may be forwarded to a collection agency, in which case you will be held responsible for all fines, reasonable attorney's fees and collection costs.
Reserve Materials
Reserve texts and audiovisual items may be borrowed from the Circulation Desk. Most reserve items may be used inside the library for three hours, though some are available for overnight checkout. Reserve materials are typically not eligible for renewal.
Faculty members may place items on reserve by visiting the Circulation Desk or submitting the Course Reserve Request Form.